I, ________________________________________, authorize care for my cat __________________ to relieve his urinary obstruction in the most affordable means necessary to provide him immediate relief. I authorize pain management be given to him in any and all options possible including a written prescription that I can fill elsewhere. I understand that this may include declining best care practices and recommendations in an effort to help manage funds to allow him the best chance at cure/survival based on unknown future factors that might influence his healing and prognosis.
I request all medical findings be provided as they are done and before other treatments are provided.
I request that if a catheter is placed (intravenous or urinary) that I be notified and offered the option to decline either, or any, be removed so that I might be able to transfer my cats care elsewhere.
I understand that my cat has a very serious, potentially life threatening condition and that by declining treatments, and treatment options I may be worsening their prognosis.
I understand that my cat has options for care. I request that decisions be made with my consent and with all options for care, and subsequent treatments in an open, up front, transparent manner. I request that more than one option be provided at each discussion.
I understand that euthanasia is my option at anytime. I understand that declining this as a case of economic euthanasia as a treatment option is also at my discretion.
I understand that denying care based on this document might be considered judgement, prejudice and impact my cats life. I understand that I am responsible for paying for his care and consenting with honesty and integrity is both parties right and responsibility.
I request the name of the veterinarian caring for my cat at all times to include transferring care should they no longer be on duty. I request this in writing at each transference of my cats care while he is here.
I request the name of the entity, or responsible party employing this veterinarian. I request this in writing at the time that I sign to consent of care for my pet.
I understand that my behavior is my responsibility. I will remain courteous and available for questions and discussions about my cats care.
I understand that the most important part of my cats treatment plan is to relieve the obstruction and provide fluids. I request that fluids be offered in anyway possible to allow me to care for my cat. I request the ability to take home an fluid bag to include the appropriate iv tubing and needles. If you cannot provide this I request a written script to purchase it elsewhere to include my veterinarians office, or an online provider (including Chewy.com).
If I cannot afford to hospitalize my cat based on the written provided estimate given to me, and signed by me then I request he have a cystocentesis to remove as much urine as possible so that he can be transferred to another provider. I understand that this is not without potential adverse consequences and I have consented to these with an understanding that my cat might die from any and all procedures and any and all treatments.
I am asking for assistance in providing the best chance possible to my cat surviving this disease with the limited funds I have.
If possible I will relinquish ownership of my cat to get him the care he needs to survive.
I am grateful for your time, your medical skills, and your compassion as we try to save our cats life.
Sincerely, __________________________________________ (write and sign your name)
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Raffles and Birdie |
Please note this is a guide. I am not a lawyer, and I do not provide legal advice.
For all of the documents veterinarians give to pet parents requesting signatures to authorize care it is time that pet parents start to advocate for their pets and find a way to get them out alive. All of those of us practicing medicine with our patients at the epicenter of care already practice this way. We already offer any and every option to keep these family members with their families.
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